Question 1: Inspection on highway may be done…
A. Anytime
B. The Vehicle Owner’s Discretion
C. As Required
D. During Normal Business Hours
Question 2: How the brake pedal should be used when applying brakes in normal condition
A. Apply light pressure on brake pedal and then increase pressure as vehicle stops
B. Press down the brake pedal forcefully
C. Apply heavy pressure on brake pedal and then ease as vehicle slows
D. Apply steady pressure at the beginning and then ease as vehicle stops
Question 3: Daily log must document how many previous days of record?
A. 7
B. 14
C. 15
D. 30
Question 4: The differential lock shouldn’t be operated when…
A. Vehicle is at high speed
B. Vehicle is parked
C. Wheels are spinning
D. All of above
Question 5: The axels during inspection are inspected for?
A. Condition
B. Spacing
C. Brand
D. All of above
Question 6: Driver must stop for school bus at what time?
A. During day hours
B. School hours
C. During weekdays
D. Anytime
Question 7: Driving a truck on the highway is a sense of…
A. Entitlement
B. Priviledge
C. Right
D. Opportunity
Question 8: When a truck inspection station is open the trucks must…
A. Enter at the discretion of the driver
B. Enter and stop for inspection
C. Enter and stop only if asked too
D. Enter and stop if not recently inspected
Question 9: The driver should stop before moving at…
A. Crosswalk
B. Yield Line
C. Painted stop line
D. None of above
Question 10: Which is a daily log requirement?
A. Odometer reading at beginning of day
B. Driver’s Name
C. All above
D. Cycle driver is following
Question 11: In case of failure or refusal to proceed to weigh station, driving licence can be cancelled for a period of…
A. 10 Days
B. 14 Days
C. 30 Days
D. 90 Days
Question 12: In order to operate any vehicle with an air brake, you need the following endorsement..
A. G
B. Z
D. G1
Question 13: Gross weight refers to…
A. Weight of vehicle
B. Weight of vehicle
C. Weight of driver
D. Weight of vehicle and load
Question 14: The vehicle must be inspected every…
A. 24 hours
B. 8 hours
C. 6 hours
D. 48 hours
Question 15: A licenced motor vehicle inspector should inspect the vehicle every…
A. Quarter
B. Year
C. Month
D. Day
Question 16: If you see a stationary school bus, how far you should stop from it?
A. 10 meters
B. 5 meters
C. 20 meters
D. 15 meters
Question 17: Daily log isn’t compulsory if you are riding within ___ miles of radius
A. 160 km
B. No exemptions
C. 100 km
D. 160 km
Question 18: Drivers must demonstrate…
A. Grooming
B. Common Sense
C. Timelessness
D. Safe Driving
Question 19: Before descending a grade you should…
A. Blow horn
B. Shift to higher gear
C. Make gear selection
D. Check two mirrors
Question 20: How many off duty hours must be there in a single day?
A. 5
B. 18
C. 13
D. 10
Question 21: How to handle major defects before you operate the vehicle?
A. Report them on next repair visit
B. Repair them
C. Report them on daily log
D. Get them repaired during the next trip
Question 22: You approach a vehicle halted at the crosswalk but there is no one crossing the road. What should you do?
A. Proceed from the vehicle’s side with caution
B. Stop behind the vehicle
C. Pass vehicle
D. Blow horn
Question 23: Once the vehicle is underway, the brakes must be checked within…
A. 20 meters
B. 15 meters
C. 5 meters
D. 10 meters
Question 24: Which is a daily log requirement?
A. Odometer reading at beginning of day
B. Driver’s Name
C. All above
D. Cycle driver is following
Question 25: If you are interested in commercial driving then you should…
A. Drive and learn along with a licenced driver
B. Enroll in a certified driver training school
C. None of above
D. Any of above