Question 1: HOV means?
A. Highway occupancy vehicle
B. Highway overpass ahead
C. Height restricted vehicles only
D. Highway operations vehicle
Question 2: Following can cause difficulty in vehicle’s clearance…
A. Flooding
B. Ice
C. Road condition
D. All of above
Question 3: Crosswalk is also known as…
A. Cross over area
B. Pedestrian crossing
C. Safety zone
D. Walking zone
Question 4: Truck should never be loaded beyond..
A. Driver’s inability
B. Rear axel
C. Licenced capacity
D. None of the above
Question 5: A valid 407 transponder to use ETR is a must for weight of ___ tons
A. 10
B. 5
C. 2
D. 7
Question 6: A pedestrian facing a flashing or steady hand should…
A. Begin crossing
B. Stop where they are
C. Run across the road
D. Not begin crossing the road
Question 7: While transporting dangerous good, the driver must carry…
A. Roadmap
B. Certificate issued by the employer
C. G.P.S
D. Mobile Device
Question 8: While backing a semi trailer, the fifth wheel should be inline with…
A. Trailer
B. Trailer kingpin
C. Painted markings
D. None of above
Question 9: Electronic reports and schedules are…
A. Unlawful
B. Required
C. Permitted
D. None of above
Question 10: A sign with an activity in green signal refers to?
A. Activity only to be done in day hours
B. May not do the activiy
C. May or must do the activity
D. None of the above
Question 11: Slow moving vehicles with a placard usually travel at less than ___ km/h
A. 55 km/h
B. 45 km/h
C. 40 km/h
D. 60 km/h
Question 12: In case of no hazard/fire/danger in a collision, the injured person must..
A. Left where they are and wait for medical help to arrive
B. Left where they are and wait for medical help to arrive
C. Move to a comfortable spot till medical help arrives
D. None of the above
Question 13: A flashing red light means that you should…
A. Yield if there is any other traffic
B. Come to stop and call police to report faulty signal
C. Stop until the light turns green
D. Come to a complete stop and only proceed when safe
Question 14: At an intersection without a crosswalk the driver should stop at..
A. Edge of the sidewalk
B. In the intersection
C. 18 meters behind the intersection
D. None of above
Question 15: St Johns ambulance advises drivers to carry a..
A. Emergency flashlight
B. First aid kit
C. Road flare
D. Band aids
Question 16: Driving over a median strip is…
A. Unlawful
B. Allowed
C. Prohibited
D. At driver’s discretion
Question 17: The rear wheels do not..
A. Spin
B. Deflate
C. Spin
D. Rotate
Question 18: A broken yellow line to the left of your lane means..
A. Unsafe to pass at all times
B. No passing allowed
C. U-Turns aren’t allowed
D. Safe to pass when clear
Question 19: Seat belts should be worn…
A. On country roads
B. On highway
C. At all times
D. In heavy traffic
Question 20: Applicant for Class A or D licence must have…
A. Recommendation letter
B. At least 21 years of age
C. At least 16 years of age
D. At least 18 years of age
Question 21: At your road test, you are expected to…
A. Check suspension
B. Start engine
C. Clean glass and mirrors
D. All of these
Question 22: No standing sign means…
A. Stand near your parked vehicle
B. Stop and leave your vehicle
C. Stop vehicle to unload
D. Unload the passengers
Question 23: Driver of following vehicle is exempt from hours of service
A. Mobile Cranes
B. Tow Truck
C. Motor Homes
D. All above
Question 24: A solid line to the left of your lane means..
A. It is safe to pass
B. U-turn is allowed
C. It is unsafe to pass
D. U-turn is not allowed
Question 25: What foot should be used to apply the brakes?
A. Both feet
B. Right foot
C. Left foot
D. Green & Red